Training offer

Training offer

Through KoLaborategia, taking advantage of educational innovation, we offer a wide variety of courses and training aimed not only at undergraduates, Master’s students and doctoral students, but also at working professionals, organizations and educational centers.

Undergraduate Degree Programs

We offer two undergraduate degree programs in Education, each with its own specializations: Early Childhood Education and Primary Education.

Undergraduate Degree Programs in Education

Master’s Degree Programs

We offer three Master’s degree programs in Education.

Master’s Degree Programs

Doctoral Degree Program

An inter-university program offered in conjunction with the University of Vic–Central University of Catalonia (Faculty of Education, Translation and Human Sciences).

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Training for Professionals

Short courses, expert certifications and university diplomas aimed at professionals in Education.

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 943 71 41 57

Dorleta St. 20540 Eskoriatza (Gipuzkoa)

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